Photo Credit: J. Schlenker

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New Single! (click to listen) New Single! (click to Watch Music Video)

Good to Know You

“I was born in October 1965 but I didn’t meet my biological father until the summer of 2012. It’s a long story best told over dinner and a bottle of red wine, but ‘Good To Know You’ is my musical reflection about gaining a father at midlife and learning how to navigate that relationship. Spoiler: It has a happy ending.”

Curtis Stigers - This Life - Album Cover

This Life

Curtis Stigers’s latest album This Life is a celebration of three decades of musical exploration, evolution and growth.

About the Album
Songs from My Kitchen - Live Stream - 2022 - Curtis Stigers

Songs From My Kitchen

Live Streams Every Month @ 3:00pm Eastern Time (US)

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Inspired marriage of visceral clout and intellectual savvy.”
New York Times

Stigers might emerge as his generation's answer to Tony Bennett.”
Minneapolis Star Tribune

When Curtis Stigers came on stage on Wednesday night, it felt as if someone had upped the wattage in the bulbs.”
Wall Street Journal

For Curtis Stigers—the award-winning singer, songwriter, and saxophonist—the story keeps getting better. His string of hit singles, millions of albums sold, and a 28-year recording career aside, his commitment to artistic growth, and to bringing new tunes to the Great American Songbook, has become unparalleled in modern music.

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